AWR Academy
AWR Academy, the academic wing of the AWR Surgeons’ Community, announces the launch of a one-year full-time hands-on Fellowship in Advanced Hernia Surgery (FAHS) at the following accredited high volume centres in India and invites applications in the enclosed format starting 1-7-2019.
FAHS shall be a recognised fellowship programme accredited by a leading international university.
The fellowship candidates will be chosen by the Board of Governors of AWR Academy on merit, based on the candidate’s experience in laparoscopic and open general surgery from amongst the applications received before the last date i.e. 15th June 2019.
Minimum Eligibility of Candidates Applying for FAHS:
- MS/DNB in General Surgery (or equivalent in case of non-Indians)
- Minimum 2 Years post MS/DNB experience of working in laparoscopic surgery.
- Certified minimum log of having performed 25 independent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies, 10 laparoscopic ventral hernias and 10 laparoscopic inguinal hernias.
- Minimum 1 oral paper presentation in a laparoscopic conference.
- One Cadaver or Animal Workshop on AWR to be attended.
- Letter of Recommendation from at least two surgeons who have been involved in surgical training.
- Post MS/DNB Residents or Faculty working in Government Institutions and exposed to advanced hernia surgery are eligible to apply.
Probation Period of Fellow:
The fellow selected for FAHS shall remain on probation for a period of three months during which the trainer faculty shall assess him/her for motivation, temperament, hand skills and aptitude for laparoscopic and open surgery. If the candidate is found deficient on these parameters, the Board of Governors of AWR Academy shall consider the recommendation of the trainer faculty for continuation or cessation of the Fellowship.
Curriculum for FAHS:
At the end of one year, the candidate should be able to independently perform the following:
- Open Ventral Hernia Repairs (onlay and retrorectus/retromuscular)
- Laparoscopic VHR – IPOM
- Open Inguinal/Femoral Hernia Repair
- Laparoscopic TEP
- Laparoscopic TAPP
- Open PCS (TAR)
- Other procedures like SCOLA, ventral TAPP, lap RS/TARM, etc.
Stipend for FAHS:
The stipend or remuneration for the fellows selected for FAHS at various centres shall be paid directly by the hospitals where training is conducted, as per respective existing hospital policy. The AWR ACADEMY shall not be responsible for any payment to these candidates.
The requirement of conferences and workshops for FAHS:
The Fellows selected for the FAHS shall be required to attend a minimum number of following before the completion of their tenure:
- One national conference in laparoscopic surgery
- Two regional or national conferences on AWR.
- One Cadaver workshop on AWR.
- One Animal workshop on AWR.
Exit Examination:
The Board of Governors of the AWR Academy shall conduct an exit examination on completion of one year of fellowship training. This will consist of a written test, case presentation, ward rounds, oral vivas and assessment of laparoscopic/open surgical skills in AWR. Candidates attaining 50% pass mark in this assessment shall be eligible for the award of the Fellowship in the annual meeting of the AWRSC.
Completed applications along with copies of certificates and LORs should reach the undersigned latest by 15-6-2019. Applications received after the last date shall be disqualified. Selected candidates would be informed by email and would report to the Course Directors at the respective training hospitals allotted.
Dr Pawanindra Lal
Dean, Academic, AWR ACADEMY.